Program Description
This is an intensive program to immerse the intern in surgical oncology. Primary duties will be primary patient care of the surgical oncology patients. The intern will admit and see patients under the supervision of surgical oncology and medical oncology faculty. The intern will scrub in to all surgeries and assist with patient care, client communication, evening and weekend care of patients and patient discharges. This will all be supervised by the Surgical Oncology Faculty and Surgical Oncology Fellow. There is no mandatory emergency duties.
A research project will also be a part of the program, with a manuscript that will be submitted for publication.
The surgical oncology intern program will consist of: 42 weeks of surgical oncology clinical service, 2 weeks of medical oncology, 2 weeks of radiation oncology, 4 weeks of elective rotations and 2 weeks of holidays.
This program will be modeled after the surgical oncology fellowship, but will be modified based on the lower level of experience of the intern. The requirements for applicants are a DVM and a rotating small animal internship. The goal of the program will be to assist a candidate in successfully matching in an ACVS residency program. Hopefully the intern will have developed sufficient skills and interest in surgical oncology and may pursue additional sub-specialization in this discipline after surgical residency training.
An additional goal of the program is to increase the exposure of the intern to the surgery service at UF in addition to enhance her/his CV improving chances of being accepted in a surgery residency program.
Intern Selection Procedure
Residents are recruited from internship programs or private practices. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree or equivalent is a prerequisite. Small Animal Medicine faculty and residents evaluate the application pool and final selection of the resident is done via the Veterinary Intern/Resident Matching Program (VIRMP).
Selection will be based on:
- VIRMP Application
- Veterinary School Official Transcript from University Registrar
- Personal Statement
- Curriculum Vitae
- 3 – 4 Standardized Letters of Reference