Active research is a strength of this program. Research in corneal wound healing, immune-mediated uveitis, drug delivery and glaucoma is ongoing. Residents actively participate in many types of research projects. Extensive collaboration with vision scientists in electron microscopy, biochemistry, and electrophysiology, and physicians specializing in corneal and glaucoma enhance the resident’s educational opportunities.
The Ophthalmology Residency of the Section of Comparative Ophthalmology at the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Florida is designed to prepare the candidate for certification by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. The overall objective of the program is to prepare its participants in all aspects of veterinary ophthalmology, both medical and surgical, so as to promote the welfare and the health of patients and the advancement of the field. This is a combined residency/Master of Science degree program. The first year of this program will be devoted to graduate studies and research. Additionally, the successful candidate will be required to serve as a teaching assistant for first-year veterinary students during the first year of the program. Continuation into the clinical residency portion of the program (years 2-4) will be contingent upon performance during the Master’s year.
The Ophthalmology Residency at the University of Florida is aimed at training veterinary ophthalmologists interested in careers in academic veterinary ophthalmology. Extensive teaching, clinical and research training is an important component of this program. The clinical service is comparative, rather than small animal oriented, with strong caseloads in equine, wildlife of the State of Florida (this means gators!), marine animals, laboratory animals, non-human primates, birds, as well as the traditional small animals such as dogs and cats. We provide the highest quality service to our patients with the latest in ophthalmic diagnostic and surgical technologies.
Ophthalmology residents have primary case responsibility under the supervision of ACVO certified faculty and participate in veterinary student training in the clinical clerkships for the juniors and seniors and teach in the ophthalmology diagnostic and surgery laboratories for sophomore & junior veterinary medical students. Regular journal clubs and topic rounds and monthly ocular pathology rounds enhance resident learning in preparation for the ACVO Certifying Examination. Residents have complete access to the excellent University of Florida Health Center Library for literature searches and reviews.
Ophthalmology residents participate in rotating ophthalmology emergency duty. Approximately 8.5 months a year will be spent in the very busy ophthalmology clinics seeing cases, performing surgeries and teaching veterinary medical students. Residents are required to complete all ACVO residency requirements, prepare and present a research project, and submit three written manuscripts for publication prior to completion of the residency. Attendance and presentations at rounds and seminars at the UFVH, local veterinary and ophthalmology meetings, the ACVO Basic Science Course and at the ACVO Residents Forum are also required.
Resident Selection Procedure
Residents are recruited from internship programs or private practices. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree or equivalent is a prerequisite. UF abides by the rules of ORCA which can be found at: ACVO/resident-internships
Selection will be based on:
- Veterinary School Official Transcript from University Registrar
- Personal Statement
- Curriculum Vitae
- 3 – 4 Standardized Letters of Reference